niedziela, 22 maja 2011

Isabelle Caro – ‘ die young, stay pretty’

‘I have natural freckles, but I underline them to put more attention on my eyes, because then people won’t look at the rest of me’
She had anorexia since she was 13. Her mother didn’t want her to grow up (be tall), so little Isabelle stayed at home all days (fresh air helps growing) and her mother taught her at home instead let her went to school. So Isabelle wanted to escape from that mad situation and simply stopped to eat.

Four years ago she agreed to do shoots for the campaign against anorexia with controversial, Italian photographer Olivier Toscani. The photos run around the globe and provoked many controversies. The campaign was strongly criticized that rather encourage the young to become as ‘slim’ as Isabelle. She said that it’s not a beauty but ugliness. She said as well, she didn’t regret this campaign, what I more she was happy and got her motivation to get better.
It was really brave for her to show everyone how she looked, especially as a model.
She was fully conscious that this illness would kill her but she fought anyway, she died on 17th of November last year. After this her mother committed suicide.

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