niedziela, 22 maja 2011

Martin Parr

I reckon that you can have only strong feelings to Parr, you can either love or hate him and there is nothing in between. He seems to be quite cynic with his comments but with great, quite dry sense of humor. The same is with his photos, there are really simple in composition but have ‘this’ something. Parr comments the reality in absurd and paradoxical way. He always catches the strongest and the most embarrassing moments. He used to photograph the British working class, vacationist on the British coast. In one of his album from 1989 he shows the following process after the British going to Paris or shopping madness.

He was a pioneer of reportage photography and became a master in color film photography. He joined to Magnum Photos in 1988 and became a full member in 1994.

Hoy H. H., (2005), The Photo Book, Warsaw: National Geographic Society

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